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Beck Depression Test
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Aggression Questionnaire
Maudsley Obsessional Compulsive Nventory MOCI
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Aggression Questionnaire
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High school
Associate Degree
Date Format: YYYY slash MM slash DD
1. Some of my friends think I am a hothead
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
2. If I have to resort to violence to protect my rights, I will.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
3. When people are especially nice to me, I wonder what they want.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
4. I tell my friends openly when I disagree with them.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
5. I have become so mad that I have broken things.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
6. I can’t help getting into arguments when people disagree with me.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
7. I wonder why sometimes I feel so bitter about things.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
8. Once in a while, I can’t control the urge to strike another person.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
9. I am an even-tempered person
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
10. I am suspicious of overly friendly strangers.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
11. I have threatened people I know.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
12. I flare up quickly but get over it quickly.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
13. Given enough provocation, I may hit another person.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
14. When people annoy me, I may tell them what I think of them.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
15. I am sometimes eaten up with jealousy.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
16. I can think of no good reason for ever hitting a person.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
17. At times I feel I have gotten a raw deal out of life.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
18. I have trouble controlling my temper.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
19. When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
20. I sometimes feel that people are laughing at me behind my back.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
21. I often find myself disagreeing with people.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
22. If somebody hits me, I hit back.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
23. I sometimes feel like a powder keg ready to explode.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
24. Other people always seem to get the breaks.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
25. There are people who pushed me so far that we came to blows.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
26. I know that “friends” talk about me behind my back.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
27. My friends say that I’m somewhat argumentative.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
28. Sometimes I fly off the handle for no good reason.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
29. I get into fights a little more than the average person.
extremely uncharacteristic of me
somewhat uncharacteristic of me
neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
somewhat characteristic of me
extremely characteristic of me
Sum of points
58 Aggression score
You may look aggressive, but the severity of your aggression is not enough for drug prescription. Maybe your mood swings are due to depression, it is recommended to perform a depression test and make decision based on the results.
58 Aggression score
Aggression score 58 and above
Based on the test results: you are aggressive. It is best to see a psychiatrist to confirm the diagnosis and receive appropriate solutions. Performing medical lab examination test and electroencephalography can help you to find the reasons of your problem. The system can request madical diagnostic tests, to help you to find the causes of the aggression.
Aggression score 58 and above